Useful Resources
About Parenting
Helpful Links
Here are some sites, links, and articles from around the web to help you through the struggles, joys, and challenges of parenting today.
Be Curious, Not Furious. Parenting Skills for the Modern World - including how to manage technology. Susan Bauerfeld, PhD & Chris Parrott, BPS.
A site dedicated to helping parents to understand how their child’s mindset influences their behaviors, motivation, and achievement.
Advice parents to help kids with ADHD. Articles on managing emotions and impulses, overcoming school challenges, and other life and family issues are highlighted.
A site devoted to practical ideas for social, emotional, and behavioral challenges for children with learning and attention issues.
Developed by KQED, a Calfornia Public Broadcasting station, MindShift is a fascinating site that explores the future of learning in all its dimensions.
The Circle of Security® Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. Great Videos on this site for visualizing what children need from adults.
This site is a treasure trove of information, and a life net for parents thrust unexpectedly into the special needs’ world. It strives to empower parents, professionals, and students to become more effective advocates in their schools and communities.